Projects building on ELLIS
This page offers an overview of nationally and EU-funded projects building on and extending the ELLIS network. These projects connect researchers, offer training and mobility programs, and contribute to policy work. Check out how you can benefit from their activities!
ELSA - the European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI - connects excellent researchers from 26 top research institutions and companies in Europe to pool their expertise in the field of AI and machine learning, and to spearhead efforts in foundational safe and secure AI methodology research. The network builds on and extends ELLIS, and is coordinated by the CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security in Saarbrücken (Germany) which is part of the ELLIS Unit Saarbrücken. Similar to ELLIS, it rests on three pillars: selected research programs, local research units, and a PhD and postdoc program. ELSA is funded under the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation program and will establish a fluid two-way communication between academic research and real-life application scenarios through the creation of the ELSA Innovation Lab.
ELSA's strategic research agenda outlining the path the network will be taking to address the grand challenges of safe and secure AI is available here.
Read more about ELSA in this article or visit the ELSA website.
Follow ELSA on X.
ELIZA - the Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Learning and Intelligent Systems - is a graduate school in the field of AI funded by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and coordinated by the Technical University of Darmstadt. ELIZA’s research and training activities focus on four main areas: the basics of machine learning (ML) - including ML-driven fields like computer vision, Natural Language Processing (NLP) or robot learning -, machine learning systems, applications in autonomous systems, as well as trans-disciplinary applications for machine learning in other scientific fields, from life sciences to physics. ELIZA connects seven German ELLIS Units (Berlin, Darmstadt, Freiburg, Heidelberg, München, Saarbrücken, Tübingen) including their academic institutions and industry partners, and aims to become the leading German brand for research and research training in machine learning-driven AI.
Find out more about it here or visit
Follow ELIZA on X.
The European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability (ELIAS) - a consortium of top European institutions coordinated by the University of Trento - celebrated its kick-off in September 2023. Funded by the EU, ELIAS aims at establishing Europe as a leader in AI research that drives sustainable innovation and economic development. It creates a Network of Excellence connecting researchers in academia with practitioners in industry to differentiate Europe as a region where AI research builds towards a sustainable long-term future for our planet, contributes to a cohesive society, and respects individual preferences and rights. The foundation of ELIAS is built upon ELLIS. The new network aims to refine and expand upon ELLIS’ excellence criteria while taking actionable steps to support AI researchers and emerging talents at all stages of their careers.
ELIAS Mobility Program
For young scientists eager to advance their careers in Europe, mobility is the cornerstone of success. Apply to the ELIAS Mobility Program, travel within the ELLIS and ELIAS network for a research exchange with industry or academic partners across Europe and join forces to drive your AI and sustainability project to the next level. ELIAS offers financial support to European-based PhD students and postdocs wanting to collaborate with leading institutions and welcome applications all year-round. Learn all about the mobility program as well as about the terms and conditions here.
Find more information about ELIAS on this website.
Follow ELIAS on X and LinkedIn.
This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101120237.
Projects that have been completed
ELISE - the European Network of AI Excellence Centres - is a network of artificial intelligence research hubs and associated Fellows which originated from and built on ELLIS. The EU-funded project concluded in August 2024.
Based on the highest level of research, it spread its knowledge and methods in academia, industry and society. The network invited all ways of reasoning, considering all types of data applicable for almost all sectors of science and industry. It did this while being aware of data safety and security, and striving for explainable and trustworthy outcomes. ELISE contributed to ELLIS on many fronts, for example through mobility programs for researchers, PhD and postdoc students, research program workshops, company collaboration, and policy work. It’s part of the EU Horizon 2020 ICT-48 portfolio and was coordinated by Aalto University which is part of the ELLIS Unit Helsinki.
ELISE Strategic Research Agenda
Motivated by the ambition to establish European leadership in AI and create a new generation of trustworthy AI systems, ELISE aimed to build a network of the continent’s leading AI researchers. Together, this network pursues pan-European research collaborations that tackle issues of pressing scientific and social concern. The ELISE Strategic Research Agenda outlines a path towards the next generation AI needed to solve burning global challenges, inspired by European values, in service of the diverse European society.
Catalogue of AI Centers in Europe
ELISE has developed a catalogue with nearly 100 research nodes for artificial intelligence from all European countries. The aim of the catalogue is to help students, scientists, and enterprises to discover the AI opportunities, both locally and in the rest of Europe.
ELISE Wrap Up Conference and ELLIS Community Event
In June 2024, 200 members of the ELISE and ELLIS community met in Helsinki for the ELISE Wrap Up Conference and ELLIS Community Event. Organised by ELISE, the event brought together top European researchers in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML), outstanding PhD students, ELLIS and ELISE coordinators, and representatives of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), who are developing innovative applications supported by ELISE. Learn more here.
ELISE has been involved in AIDA, the Artificial Intelligence Intelligence Doctoral Academy which has been created to nurture a new generation of AI talent by offering knowledge and expertise in AI through educational and training activities targeting PhD students. Find a list of upcoming sessions here and an overview of past sessions here.
Learn more about ELISE here or on the ELISE website, and check out the ELISE X account.
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