ELIAS 1st Open Call

ELIAS launches its 1st Open Call looking for SMEs/startups/NGOs to collaborate on methods, software solutions, or benchmarks into applications and services, bringing them into industrial use. Receive up to 60,000 Euros in funding from the European Union to develop AI/ML applications for sustainability.
Application Deadline: April 30th (midnight CEST)
Application guidelines, FAQs & application link: https://elias-ai.eu/open-call/
ELIAS is looking for projects based on AI applications that engage with the network in the categories “Methodology”, “Software/Tools”, “Benchmarks,” relevant but not limited to the use cases of ELIAS (see list below) in the scope of AI for Sustainability. ELIAS is focused on 3 research spheres but applications are not limited to them as long as the proposals will address high-impact societal and economic challenges using machine learning.
Use Cases:
- AI for Building Optimization
- AI for Monitoring the Virtual Infrastructure
- Responsible, User-centric Advertising
- Mitigating misinformed migrant perception in EU
- AI for Forecasting of Vegetation State
- Materials Discovery
- Personalized co-piloting systems
Upon acceptance, you'll join ELIAS for a 6-month project funded by the European Union and receive:
- Up to € 60.000 (lump sum) to develop AI/Machine Learning applications for Sustainability
- Visibility through ELIAS online channels and events, and dissemination in the ELIAScommunity.
- The funding follows a payment schedule with one unique payment after the publication of results.
The European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability (ELIAS) unites top artificial intelligence researchers and innovators to tackle some of the most pressing challenges of our time, including climate and societal changes and the energy crisis. Recognizing AI as both a powerful tool and a discipline with profound ethical and societal implications, ELIAS is committed to advancing responsible AI research and applications.
Our mission is twofold:
- to drive fundamental research addressing how AI can reduce computational costs, model societal impacts, and
- to support policy decisions, and to integrate academic discoveries with industry needs.
This fusion enables us to create AI solutions that are as effective as they are sustainable and socially conscious.