Mobility Programs

Exchanging ideas face-to-face, getting to know new research environments and initiating collaborations are crucial for scientific excellence and innovative research in the cutting-edge field of modern AI.

To foster exchange among scientists in Europe, several projects building on ELLIS support junior and senior researchers with dedicated mobility programs. This list gives a brief overview of existing initiatives and their target groups. For the most up-to-date information on the terms and conditions, please check the respective program pages.


ELSA - European Lighthouse on Secure and Safe AI

ELSA mobility program for PhDs, postdocs and experienced researchers

The ELSA mobility grant offers financial support to PhDs and postdocs as well as to experienced researchers who want to explore Europe's vibrant AI research sites and immerse themselves in pioneering projects that make AI safe and secure.  

Support to PhDs and Postdocs as well as to experienced researchers is granted if they travel:
- within a research exchange as part of the ELLIS PHD program
- within a research exchange with an ELSA Partner
- to an ELSA supported event or workshop

An overview of the program and the application process can be found here.


ELIZA - Konrad Zuse School of Excellence in Learning and Intelligent Systems

Research stays for ELLIS PhD students based at an ELIZA site in Germany or at an ELLIS Unit outside Germany

ELIZA fosters exchange in the European AI community by supporting ELLIS PhD students financially who want to broaden their horizon with a research stay of 6 - 12 months. To apply for funding, ELLIS PhD students at ELIZA sites should inquire through their PhD advisor. ELLIS PhD students wishing to visit an ELIZA site should inquire through the hosting ELIZA academic fellow.

Learn more about these opportunities on the ELIZA page.

ELIZA funding opportunities for Master’s students

ELIZA also offers the following support for Master’s students:

- Research-oriented Master’s scholarship for PhD candidates

Target group: Outstanding PhD candidates during their Master’s phase who come in with a Bachelor’s degree

- Konrad Zuse Master’s in AI Scholarships for students from underrepresented groups

Target group: Highly qualified Master’s students from underrepresented groups (considering all areas of underrepresentation: e.g., gender, sexual orientation, nationality)



ELIAS - European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability

For young scientists eager to advance their careers in Europe, mobility is the cornerstone of success. Seize the chance to expand your horizons and forge valuable connections that could shape the future of sustainable innovation and economic development by applying to the ELIAS Mobility Program. Travel within the ELLIS and ELIAS network for a research exchange with industry or academic partners across Europe and join forces to drive your AI and sustainability project to the next level.

ELIAS offers financial support to European-based PhD students and postdocs wanting to collaborate with leading institutions and welcomes applications all year-round. Learn all about the mobility program as well as about the terms and conditions here.


Opportunities at ELLIS Units

ELLIS Unit Amsterdam

The ELLIS unit Amstersdam offers mobility programmes for MSc students who are currently studying OR planning to conduct a research visit at the University of Amsterdam (UvA)

1. ELLIS Amsterdam MSc Hosting Programme
The ELLIS unit Amsterdam financially supports short visits of MSc students who are studying at an ELLIS institution to the UvA. The ELLIS unit Amsterdam MSc Hosting Programme can be used to cover costs for MSc students obtaining a degree related to Artificial Intelligence to visit an ELLIS member at the UvA in the context of an existing collaboration between an ELLIS member at the UvA and an ELLIS member in a different country. Kindly note that only ELLIS members of the UvA who will be hosting the visiting MSc student can apply for this programme.

More details can be found in the call:

2. ELLIS Amsterdam MSc Honours Programme
The ELLIS unit Amsterdam offers an honours programme for MSc students at the UvA, allowing them to connect with leading researchers and top-tier academics in an ELLIS Unit in a different country. As an ELLIS unit Amsterdam honours student, you will conduct a research project supervised by an ELLIS member at the UvA and an ELLIS member at a different ELLIS unit, and you will make an ELLIS-Amsterdam-sponsored visit to your co-supervisor.

More details can be found in the call:


Projects that have been completed


ELISE – European Network of AI Excellence Centres

ELISE - the European Network of AI Excellence Centres - is a network of artificial intelligence research hubs and associated Fellows which originated from and built on ELLIS. The EU-funded project concluded in August 2024 and supported ELLIS through various ways, including mobility programs.

ELISE fellow mobility program for experienced researchers

The ELISE mobility program for experienced researchers aimed to support the exchange of knowledge and ideas among top-class scientists in Europe through visits and workshops. The goal of the program was to bring ELISE/ELLIS Fellows, Scholars, and Members together by supporting their short- and long-term scientific visits to initiate collaboration within the ELISE/ELLIS community. It was expected that visits produce tangible results, such as scientific publications, datasets, or collaborative project proposals.

Learn all about the program and the eligibility criteria here.

ELISE mobility program for PhD and postdoc students

Mobility opportunities are essential for top-level young scientists looking to kickstart their careers in Europe. The ELISE mobility program for PhD and postdoc students offered an opportunity to visit world-class researchers and institutions within the ELLIS network and gain valuable knowledge and contacts. It was aimed at existing PhD students and postdocs in the network who want to initiate a collaboration with a Fellow or Member at another site.

Find more information about the terms and conditions of this program here.

Other ICT48 mobility programs

ELISE is part of the EU Horizon 2020 ICT-48 portfolio, along with AI4Media, Humane-AI-Net and TAILOR. An overview of all the ICT48 mobility programs with their respective target audiences can be found on the website of the VISION CSA.