ELLIS Institute Tübingen
The ELLIS Institute aims to become a world-class center pioneering fundamental research in the field of artificial intelligence. The institute will attract international top machine learning talent, providing them with outstanding conditions to conduct research in a state-of-the-art facility located in Tübingen, Germany.
The vision is part of a broader initiative, the European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS), which aims to build a pan-European institution for machine learning research.
Latest News

03 July 2023
Europe's first ELLIS Institute is launched in Tübingen
Top European location for artificial intelligence: Europe's first ELLIS Institute is launched in Tübingen (Germany)
27 January 2022
Hector foundation supports the establishment of an ELLIS institute with 100 million euros
Stuttgart/Tübingen, January 27, 2022: With a funding of 100 million euros over a period of 10 years, the Hector foundation pave...

17 December 2020
ELLIS set to receive new funding to expand its activities in Tübingen
The funds will finance the research of ELLIS Fellows at the Tübingen unit, thus serving as a decisive building block for the es...
Principal Investigators
Hector Endowed Fellows co-affiliated with Tübingen AI Center & Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems Tübingen
Find more information on the institute's website: institute-tue.ellis.eu
How to develop an ELLIS Institute: Whitepaper
Since its launch in 2018, ELLIS has built a network of 40 research units across 15 countries; created a highly-competitive pan-European PhD programme, which in 2022 attracted over 1900 applications from 81 countries; and established a research initiative that engages world-leading researchers in 16 cutting-edge programmes that address critical areas of technology development and social need. These existing initiatives have demonstrated the ELLIS network’s value in enhancing the European AI ecosystem at local, national, and international-levels. In its next phase of development, ELLIS will amplify this impact through the creation of high-profile, internationally-leading ELLIS research institutes. This whitepaper sets out an approach to developing such institutes and lists relevant criteria.