
The ELLIS units Munich focuses on developing novel machine learning methods and deploying them in the three key applications areas Biomedicine, Computer Vision and Earth Observation. It integrates expertise from the Technical University of Munich, Helmholtz Munich and collaborating partners and it will represent the machine learning core for the Munich Data Science Institute (MDSI). The members of the ELLIS unit Munich define four areas they build on their unique expertise and thriving collaborations: (1) foundations of machine learning on graphs and time series, optimal control, knowledge graphs. novel training methods, (2) biomedicine (with applications in human functional genomics, biomedical imaging and bioengineering, drug research and electronic health records), (3) Earth observations (elaboration of remote sensing data, in particular those from current and the next generation of Earth observation missions such as TerraSAR-X, TanDEM-X, TerraSAR-X follow-on, Tandem-L and EnMAP, big data for 4D global mapping) and (4) Computer Vision (with applications such as image restoration, multiple-view reconstruction, visual SLAM, dynamic scene understanding, multiple object tracking).

Unit Directors

For more information, please visit the unit website.