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“With advances in AI, we have better tools to act against the climate crisis”

22 July 2024 News

From the “ELLIS/ELISE AI for Learning Weather and Climate” workshop, Gustau Camps-Valls, Co-Director of the ELLIS Program ‘Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Sciences’, highlights the crucial role of Artificial Intelligence in addressing climate change.

ELLIS Programs

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Challenges in natural language processing require coordination across a large scientific network

30 January 2024 News

Voice assistants, translation services, chatbots and large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT: The rapidly evolving field of Natural Language Processing (NLP) has long found its way into our everyday lives and is transforming the way humans communicate with each other and with machines. To further advance this field of science, the ELLIS Program ‘Natural Language Processing’ aims to facilitate collaboration across leading NLP scientists and labs in Europe, and to encourage closer interactions between the NLP and Machine Learning communities.

ELLIS Programs

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ELLIS Program ‘Robot Learning: Closing the Reality Gap!’ - An interview with one of the Directors

24 April 2023 News

Autonomous robots that can assist humans in situations of daily life have been a long-standing vision of robotics, artificial intelligence, and cognitive sciences. In recent years, learning techniques have triggered tremendous progress in various areas including self-driving cars, logistics, manufacturing, and home automation. Several transport systems are largely autonomous, such as commercial aircrafts, metros, some trains, and drones. The driver, when there is one on-board, is providing only sporadic guidance.

ELLIS Programs

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ELLIS research programs: Two new proposals accepted

10 January 2023 News

The range of ELLIS research programs is expanding further: The proposals ‘Machine Learning for Molecule Discovery’ and ‘Learning for Graphics and Vision’ have been accepted as new ELLIS programs. They will push the scientific boundaries of their respective areas by fostering exchange and research collaborations among outstanding researchers in Europe.

ELLIS Programs Press release

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Interactive Learning and Interventional Representations (ILIR) Program Workshop

26 October 2022 News

Connecting researchers in machine learning and modern AI across Europe is one of the main objectives of the ELLIS excellence network, and in-person meetings play an indispensable role for fruitful exchanges and the establishment of long-term collaborations. Members of the ELLIS program ‘Interactive Learning and Interventional Representations (ILIR)’ recently gathered for a two-day workshop in the Black Forest in Germany to discuss the latest research in their field as well as new ideas for future projects.

ELLIS Programs

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“AI is mighty and efficient for this”

18 October 2022 News

In 2022, a series of heat waves, droughts and wildfires marked a summer of extremes in Europe. Understanding such events, the Earth’s climate and climate change as a whole requires contributions from a great variety of scientific disciplines - and modern AI plays an increasingly important role in this. With the ELLIS program ‘Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Sciences‘, leading researchers from across Europe join forces to advance our understanding of the Earth system and to foster excellence in this field.

Earth and Climate Sciences ELLIS Programs

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ELLIS Theory Program Workshop: Leading scientists discuss abilities and limits of modern learning systems

01 July 2022 News

Expert talks, poster sessions and many fruitful discussions: 50 researchers from across Europe joined a three-day workshop organised by the ELLIS research program “Theory, Algorithms and Computations of Modern Learning Systems” in Arenzano, Italy. Sponsored by the European Network of AI Excellence Centres (ELISE), the workshop particularly focussed on deepening the understanding of the behavior, limits and abilities of modern learning systems.


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Experts gathered in Valencia for the 2nd workshop of the ELLIS Program ‘Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Sciences‘

16 May 2022 News

A group of international scientists met at the University of Valencia in Spain for the second workshop of the ELLIS Research Program ‘Machine Learning for Earth and Climate Sciences‘.

ELLIS Programs

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ELLIS launches Fellow Program on Multimodal Learning Systems

03 November 2021 News

The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) adds the 14th Program to the network.

ELLIS Programs