Tel Aviv

The ELLIS unit Tel Aviv covers broad aspects of the field including machine learning theory, natural language processing, machine vision, reinforcement learning and others. The unit will make a concerted effort to advance specific topics such as (1) Vision and Language, (2) Theory of Deep Learning, (3) Privacy and Fairness, (4) Generative Models, and (5) Common Sense Knowledge. The unit further aims at addressing societal challenges that are a new and important aspect of machine learning, as the predictions of algorithms impact humans in a significant way. The unit’s research on privacy and fairness has high potential for enabling new technologies that can lead to broader and safer usage of AI in improving a broad range of aspects of society (e.g., healthcare). In addition, the unit is embedded in Israel’s flourishing startup community, and many startups have been founded by and are populated by its machine learning graduates.

Unit Director

Unit Members

Jonathan Berant
Nadav Cohen
Raja Giryes
Tomer Koren
Tova Milo
Lior Wolf
