The Institute for Computer Science, Artificial Intelligence and Technology (INSAIT), located in Sofia, Bulgaria, is the host of the first-ever ELLIS Unit in Eastern Europe. The core mission of the new unit is to bring world-class machine learning research, education, and deep-tech entrepreneurship to the region of Eastern Europe. INSAIT was launched in April 2022 in partnership with ETH Zurich and EPFL in Switzerland, is the first center of its kind in Eastern Europe and is strongly supported by the Bulgarian government. Given its strategic partnership with ETH Zurich and EPFL, INSAIT has strong ties with the ELLIS Units in Zurich and Lausanne. The unit’s research areas cover both applied and fundamental aspects: computer vision, optimization and theory of machine learning, natural language processing, robotics, and fair, robust, secure and reliable machine learning.
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23 October 2024
First ELLIS Coordinators' Retreat in Sofia, Bulgaria
The first in-person ELLIS Coordinators’ Retreat was held in Sofia from September 3-5, 2024, marking a significant step towards ...

04 September 2023
ELLIS welcomes INSAIT - its new stronghold in Eastern Europe
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