
ELLIS Alicante is the first ELLIS unit in Spain and the only ELLIS unit in the ELLIS network that has been created from scratch as a non-for-profit research foundation. It is also the only unit focused on responsible and ethical Artificial Intelligence (IA) for Social Good. We focus on fundamental research related to the intersection between humans and Artificial Intelligence and its potential for positive societal impact.

The work of ELLIS Alicante is structured in three large research areas:

  • AI that understands us, by modelling human behavior using AI techniques both for individuals and larger groups, with a special interest in Social Good applications
  • AI that interacts with us, via the development of intelligent, interactive systems, with a special focus on the development of smart phones, personal assistants and chatbots
  • AI that we trust, tackling the ethical challenges brought by AI, such as algorithmic discrimination, violation of privacy, opacity, lack of veracity or subliminal manipulation of human behavior

With the spirit of a scientific startup, ELLIS Alicante represents a unique opportunity to attract top research talent on AI to the region, to nurture and inspire the next generation of PhD students in AI and to have societal and economic impact. It is part of the AI Valencian Strategy and it was launched thanks to the vision, commitment, and generous financial support of the Generalitat Valenciana. With a public-private funding model, ELLIS Alicante is also funded by other institutions, including the Banc Sabadell Foundation, Balearia Foundation and Intel Corporation. Its headquarters are located in the brand new buildings of Alicante’s Digital District located in Alicante’s harbor, surrounded by the Mediterranean sea.

Unit Director

Nuria Oliver

Unit Members

Erik Derner

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17 November 2022

ELLIS Alicante Unit Foundation awarded the Social Innovation Prize by the AEF

The jury of the annual Awards of the Spanish Association of Foundations (AEF – Asociación Española de Fundaciones) has awarded ...