Sponsorship and Donations
In order to fund ELLIS activities, such as the PhD & postdoc programs, research workshops and exchanges, summer schools, online courses, etc. we are requesting sponsorship contributions and donations from companies at three possible levels: Gold, Silver and Bronze.
Donations can be made directly to the ELLIS Society. Please contact Daniela Diaconu at daniela.diaconu@ellis.eu to transfer the funds. Donations can be made at three levels:
Gold: €100k per year
Silver: €50k per year
Bronze: €25k per year
No VAT needs to be paid for donations to the ELLIS Society. Your company name will be mentioned on the ELLIS website as a donor of ELLIS, including the level of sponsorship, but please note that due to tax reasons we cannot offer any benefits.
Sponsorships are different from donations in that they are made to one (or more) of the ELLIS units, typically VAT needs to be paid and benefits apply. Companies are free to discuss with the ELLIS units the level of sponsorship, how the sponsorship money is earmarked or what the unit will offer in terms of benefits.
To become eligible for benefits offered by the ELLIS Society we offer two possible programmes. The benefits include:
Your company's name will appear on the ELLIS sponsorship website indicating your level of sponsorship (Gold, Silver or Bronze)
In case your company supports a PhD student at an ELLIS unit, the student can be recruited (by the co-supervising fellow/scholar) from a central pool of ELLIS PhD applicants.
Preferential access to ELLIS conferences and workshops, summer-schools, and other ELLIS-wide events with benefits and representation proportional to the level of sponsorship (depending on the event)
Subscription to the ELLIS newsletter
The option to advertise internships and job openings directly to the ELLIS PhD-student and postdoc population through the newsletter and the ELLIS website.
In the first sponsorship program the company sponsors the unit(s) at one of the three possible levels:
Gold: €100k per year for the unit + €20k per year for the society + VAT
Silver: €50k per year for the unit + €10k per year for the society + VAT
Bronze: €25k per year for the unit + €5k per year for the society + VAT
All funds are directly transferred to the unit, including the money earmarked for the Society.
In the second sponsorship program the company sponsors PhD students and/or postdocs co-supervised by ELLIS fellows, scholars or faculty at the unit and an ELLIS member at the company. Industry PhD students and postdocs are subject to the requirements for Industry ELLIS PhD students and postdocs, including mandatory exchanges for a total duration of at least 6 months at the company.
The expectation is that all research results will be published at top tier conferences and journals, including the release of software for the purpose of scientific reproducibility (as is required by many of the top publication venues). IP agreements should be negotiated between the company and the university.
The following sponsorship levels are available in this program:
Gold: the company should sponsor at least 4 PhD students at the local rate of the employing university (or the equivalent amount on a mix of PhD students and postdocs), plus an additional donation of €20k/yr earmarked for the ELLIS society.
Silver: the equivalent of 2 PhD students need to be invested plus an additional €10k/yr for the ELLIS society.
Bronze: the equivalent of 1 PhD student plus an additional €5k/yr for the ELLIS society must be invested.
Note that the total investment may differ for different countries depending on the cost of a PhD student. Funds earmarked for the ELLIS society are transferred to the unit, and tax needs to be added to these amounts.
The details of the sponsorship agreement will be valid for one year (option 1 and 2) or the duration of the PhD/postdoc appointment (option 3) and will be regularly reevaluated by the ELLIS board. Any questions about this sponsorship program should be directed to sponsorship@ellis.eu.
Gold Sponsors
Qualcomm Technologies Inc. is a Gold Sponsor for the ELLIS Unit Amsterdam