ELLIS Research Programs: new call for proposals - Deadline 15th of July 2021!

15 June 2021 Announcement
News  single screen shot 2020 01 22 at 8.06.35 pm

The ELLIS society (https://ellis.eu) is soliciting proposals for ELLIS Research Programs. The goal of these programs is to increase the level of excellence in European research in Learning and Intelligent Systems by encouraging high-level interaction between the top researchers in a specific field. The program is modelled after the CIFAR research programs and has been launched in close coordination and with the institutional support of CIFAR, in particular the LMB program (https://www.cifar.ca/research/programs/learning-in-machines-brains) which, along with its predecessor NCAP, had a major impact on the field of deep learning. The existing ELLIS fellowship programs can be found here: https://ellis.eu/programs. The deadline is July 15, 2021 and the submission site is on EasyChair https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ellis-programs-2021. Proposals for the creation of ELLIS Research Programs will be reviewed by the Program and Fellow committee, which are composed of an internationally diverse set of ELLIS fellows. Compilation of the evaluation can take several months. For questions please email daniela.diaconu@ellis.eu.