ELLIS Fellows appointed to the UN High-Level Advisory Body on AI

Petri Myllymäki (left), Andreas Krause (right)
ELLIS is represented in the prestigious UN High-Level Advisory Body on Artificial Intelligence: ELLIS Fellows Petri Myllymäki, member of the ELLIS Unit in Helsinki and Professor at the Department of Computer Science of the University of Helsinki, and Andreas Krause, Director of the ELLIS Unit Zurich, Chair of the ETH AI Center and Professor at ETH Zurich, were appointed to the newly formed body to advance recommendations for the international governance of AI.
The UN High-Level Advisory Body on AI comprises experts from a wide range of areas including academia, the private sector and government, and was created to support the international community’s efforts to govern artificial intelligence for the common good. With their long-standing expertise, Petri Myllymäki and Andreas Krause will contribute to building a global scientific consensus on the risks, challenges and opportunities of AI.
ELLIS Fellows are outstanding researchers in machine learning with a proven track record of scientific excellence. They act as ambassadors of ELLIS and provide strategic advice on how to advance science and the network. They also play a vital role in supervising ELLIS PhD students, establishing ELLIS units and institutes, and founding ELLIS programs.
Learn more about Petri Myllymäki and his work here. Learn more about Andreas Krause and his work here.
More information
Get an overview of the UN High-Level Advisory Body on AI, its members and tasks here.
Read the press release about the launch of the UN High-Level Advisory Body on AI here.
Find more information and a database of all ELLIS Fellows and Scholars here.
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