ELLIS expands further: New unit in Madrid added to the network

The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems (ELLIS) has added another unit to its excellence network: The ELLIS Unit Madrid - a partnership of professors and researchers from the six public universities in the Autonomous Region of Madrid - is now the 35th ELLIS Unit and the 2nd ELLIS Unit in Spain.
The six universities are: Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Universidad de Alcalá, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos. Under the lead of Unit Director Pedro Larrañaga and Co-Director Concha Bielza, both at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, the researchers joined forces in order to connect their expertise in machine learning to the ELLIS network, and to create a new research environment which attracts outstanding international talent to the Madrid region.
“The proposal brings together six universities in Madrid, each with unique strengths. This effort will both further consolidate the AI ecosystem in that region and boost the role of Spain as a key contributor towards a multi-centric lighthouse for European AI. We are happy to welcome Madrid into the ELLIS family”, highlights ELLIS President Bernhard Schölkopf.
ELLIS is a pan-European AI network of excellence founded in 2018 which wants to ensure that the highest level of modern AI research can be performed in the open societies of Europe. ELLIS Units bring together the best AI researchers at different locations in Europe and fulfill a set of strict criteria to ensure excellence and a maximum level of competitiveness at international level.
“We hope that the ELLIS Unit Madrid will become an open innovation ecosystem for the creation and consolidation of a machine learning-based environment in Madrid. To be part of the ELLIS network is a big milestone for us, which will enable collaboration with other ELLIS units, as well as the promotion of synergies between academia and technology companies in the region,” says Pedro Larrañaga, Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence.
“The Madrid ELLIS Unit aims at fostering high-impact excellence research, knowledge transfer and industrial innovation. Probabilistic graphical models, Bayesian statistics, statistical learning theory, time series, signal processing and quantum computing are the core specialties of the ELLIS Unit Madrid, enriched by application areas like biometrics, computer vision, healthcare, renewable energy and climate, as well as robotics and intelligent vehicles,” adds Concha Bielza, Professor of Statistics and Operational Research.
A new magnet for international machine learning talent
The ELLIS Unit Madrid will focus on the development of ground-breaking interpretable probability-based causal machine learning methods for dynamic scenarios (longitudinal, temporal, data streams). Its members not only aim to carry out world-class research in methodological and applied machine learning, but also to develop exceptional training programs for future leaders in this field. Located in the vibrant Madrid region which is home to numerous companies and startups, the unit also plans to set up long-term projects with industry in order to attract international talent.
Further information
More information about the ELLIS Unit Madrid: https://ellis.eu/units/madrid
More information about ELLIS Units: https://ellis.eu/units
Get in touch with ELLIS here: https://ellis.eu/contact
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