ELIAS: Forging a Path Towards Sustainable and Trustworthy AI Innovation

The ELIAS Project, a groundbreaking initiative building upon ELLIS and dedicated to advancing artificial intelligence (AI) innovation and sustainability, held its official kick-off meeting in Trento, Italy, in September.
Hosted by the University of Trento, this event marked the commencement of a four-year journey encompassing Sustainable AI, Trustworthy AI, and Nurturing Excellence in AI.
Artificial intelligence has become a ubiquitous topic of conversation, with numerous research groups around the world actively engaged in advancing cutting-edge technologies across various domains. Yet, true competitiveness in this field requires aspiring to broader and more ambitious goals, particularly for those seeking to establish European leadership in this domain. Such an achievement can only be realised through collaborative networking, and this is where the ELIAS project truly shines.ELIAS fosters cooperation among more than 30 partner organizationsELIAS, an acronym for “European Lighthouse of AI for Sustainability”, stands out as a pioneering endeavour due to both its scope and innovative approach. With a mission to galvanize the field of machine learning, ELIAS aims to establish itself as a central reference point by fostering collaboration among 34 active affiliates in this sector, along with a cohort of associated partners hailing from 17 different countries.
Over the next four years, researchers will be dedicated to developing new computational systems and mathematical models to provide original and achievable solutions to urgent contemporary issues. ELIAS' challenge is to bridge the academic and business worlds at the European level. The tools to achieve this include research, the mobility of doctoral students, and support for young talents who, upon completing their studies, can establish innovative startups. The research areas are diverse but interconnected. For instance, artificial intelligence can be used to identify the best materials for constructing green buildings or environmentally friendly industrial components. It can also be employed to monitor the migration of people arriving in Europe and investigate the motivations behind their journeys. Additionally, AI can be applied to develop cybersecurity prevention systems and models for analysing climate change. ELIAS will embark on collaborative initiatives in tandem with other European Network of Excellence (NoE) projects, such as AI4Media, TAILOR, and HUMANE AI NET, as well as ELLIS units. This collaborative effort establishes a comprehensive ecosystem for the advancement of artificial intelligence. Representatives from ELLIS, ELISE, and ELSA offered insights into ELIAS’s role within the broader AI research community.
Addressing the pressing challenges of our time The University of Trento will coordinate the collaborative efforts among different partners, encompassing universities, research institutions, and industrial entities, all united in their commitment to addressing the pressing challenges of our time: environmental sustainability, equitable economic development, and societal well-being. Niculae Sebe, a professor at the Department of Information Engineering and Computer Science (DISI) and the project’s coordinator, highlighted the project’s mission: “Our objective is to ensure that technological breakthroughs in the realm of machine learning not only elevate the quality of life for individuals, but also benefit society as a whole and contribute to the well-being of our entire planet. Our endeavours will revolve around the development of algorithms designed to uncover solutions that promote and attain this sustainability.”
The future of AI research holds immense promise, and ELIAS stands at the forefront of this transformative journey. With its multidisciplinary approach and steadfast commitment to nurturing young talent, the project underscores its dedication to making substantial contributions to the evolving landscape of artificial intelligence.
The ELIAS Project is dedicated to propelling the scientific advancement of AI in Europe, with the ultimate goal of positioning the continent as a global leader in AI research.ELIAS builds upon ELLIS The foundation of ELIAS is built upon ELLIS. The new network aims to refine and expand upon ELLIS’ excellence criteria while taking actionable steps to support AI researchers and emerging talents at all stages of their careers.
The project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon Europe research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101120237.
More information Learn more about ELIAS, key figures and use cases on this website:https://elias-ai.eu Get an overview of ELIAS and other projects building on ELLIS here.