Covid CXR Hackathon
Artificial Intelligence for Covid-19 prognosis: aiming at accuracy and explainability
Join data scientists from all over the world in an international virtual challenge on Covid-19 data starting on 1 February 2022. The online Hackathon is open to students, PhDs and teams of researchers that will be guided towards solving a real and compelling problem in medical imaging.
Process real-world data During the hackathon you will use your AI and data science skills to design effective solutions helping a clinician to decide on the most probable prognosis of patients infected with Covid-19. You will have to process real-world data, composed by chest X-ray images (CXR) and clinical parameters which were collected from several hospitals in emergency conditions during the first outbreak in Northern Italy in collaboration with Centro Diagnostico Italiano and Bracco Imaging.
The Hackaton will start on 1 February 2022 at the Dubai Expo 2020and will last one month.Organization The event is organized by the Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT), Fondazione Bruno Kessler (FBK), and Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia, with the endorsement from ELLIS Genova, ELLIS Modena, and ELLIS Technion, and with the support from CINI AIIS, Bracco Imaging, Centro Diagnostico Italiano, and NVIDIA AUE. Find out more about the hackathon, the registration process and the schedule here: