33 outstanding machine learning researchers join ELLIS as Fellows and Scholars

ELLIS was founded to promote scientific excellence in modern AI research and to secure Europe’s leadership in this crucial field. Outstanding individuals who advance science are essential to achieve this goal. ELLIS has welcomed 33 new exceptional researchers to its ranks. They enrich the network with their expertise and advice, and will play a major role in shaping the future of machine learning in Europe. In total, ELLIS now counts 412 Fellows and Scholars from 20 countries.
Top researchers in machine learning with a proven track record of scientific excellence can join the ELLIS network as ELLIS Fellows or Scholars. While ELLIS Fellows act as ambassadors of ELLIS and provide strategic advice on how to advance science and the network, ELLIS Scholars are outstanding junior scientists, often assistant professors, who do not yet have the seniority of a Fellow but are on a clear trajectory to reach this level. Both Fellows and Scholars play a vital role in supervising ELLIS PhD students, establishing ELLIS units and institutes, and founding ELLIS programs.
The following top scientists have recently joined the ELLIS network:
Regina Barzilay (Fellow), ELLIS Program ML for Molecule Discovery
Erik Bekkers (Scholar), ELLIS Program Geometric Deep Learning
Concha Bielza (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Madrid
Bernd Bischl(Scholar), ELLIS Unit Munich
Edmond Boyer (Fellow), ELLIS Program Learning for Graphics and Vision
Wieland Brendel (Scholar), ELLIS Institute Tübingen
Andreas Bulling (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Stuttgart
Michele Ceriotti (Fellow), ELLIS Program ML for Molecule Discovery
Cecilia Clementi (Fellow), ELLIS Program ML for Molecule Discovery
Lucy Colwell (Fellow), ELLIS Program ML for Molecule Discovery
Angela Dai (Scholar), ELLIS Program Learning for Graphics and Vision
Vera Demberg (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Saarbrücken
George Drettakis (Fellow), ELLIS Program Learning for Graphics and Vision
Raquel Fernández (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Amsterdam
Jonas Geiping (Scholar), ELLIS Institute Tübingen
Francesca Grisoni (Scholar), ELLIS Program ML for Molecule Discovery
Ralf Herbrich (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Potsdam
Adrien Hilton (Fellow), ELLIS Program Learning for Graphics and Vision
Dimosthenis Karatzas (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Barcelona
Pedro Larrañaga (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Madrid
Martha Larson (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Nijmegen
Victor Lempitsky (Fellow), ELLIS Program Learning for Graphics and Vision
Wolfgang Maass (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Graz
Celestine Mendler-Dünner (Scholar), ELLIS Institute Tübingen
Niloy J. Mitra (Fellow), ELLIS Program Learning for Graphics and Vision
Björn Ommer (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Munich
Luca Oneto (Scholar), ELLIS Unit Genoa
Maks Ovsjanikov (Fellow), ELLIS Program Learning for Graphics and Vision
Karsten Reuter (Fellow), ELLIS Program ML for Molecule Discovery
Sereina Riniker (Fellow), ELLIS Program ML for Molecule Discovery
Marwin Segler (Scholar), ELLIS Program ML for Molecule Discovery
Marcel Worring (Fellow), ELLIS Unit Amsterdam
Guoying Zhao (Fellow) ELLIS Program Human-Centric Machine Learning
“A warm welcome to our new Fellows and Scholars”, says Andrew Blake, Chair of the ELLIS Fellow/Scholar Selection Committee. “For Europe to be competitive in modern AI on an international level, we need to attract and retain the best researchers and their expertise. We are proud that 33 new exceptional scientists have joined our growing network to help us drive AI research and innovation across Europe.”
How to become an ELLIS Fellow or Scholar
ELLIS regularly issues calls for Fellows and Scholars. The next call is foreseen for autumn 2023. It will be published on the ELLIS website and promoted via the network’s social media channels and the newsletter. Only directors of ELLIS programs and units can nominate potential Fellows and Scholars. Every proposed candidate goes through an evaluation process by the ELLIS Fellow committee. The selection is based solely on scientific excellence. Read more about the criteria here.
Scientists can also join the ELLIS network as a member. Find all information here.
More information
Find more information and a database of all Fellows and Scholars here.
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