Principal Investigator positions at ELLIS Institute Finland
ELLIS Institute Finland, a newly established world-class research hub in AI and machine learning, invites applications for Principal Investigator (PI) positions.
We encourage applications in all areas of machine learning, artificial intelligence, and related disciplines. PI positions include appointment as a Fellow or Scholar of the ELLIS Society, co-affiliated professorships at a Finnish university, a competitive salary and substantial starting package to build your research group, research and travel funding, occupational health benefits, easy access to top-tier computing facilities, including EuroHPC LUMI, and a collaborative and diverse research environment.
Applicants must have:
a doctoral degree,
a publication track record that typically includes publications in top-tier machine learning conferences and/or journals,
ability to conduct excellent research,
lead a high-impact research group,
contribute to the ELLIS network and international scientific community, and
ability to teach, advise and support both graduate and undergraduate students (teaching in English, Finnish, or Swedish is required for the professorship component).