21 July 2021 - 23 July 2021 Event Paris, France

The 5th conference on Geometric Science of Information in PARIS, Sorbonne University

21 July 2021 - 23 July 2021

The ELLIS Unit Paris will co-organize GSI'21 with SCAI Sorbonne and SEE, including a session on "Geometric Deep Learning" and a keynote given by Max Welling. As for GSI’13, GSI’15, GSI’17 and GSI’19, the objective of this SEE GSI’21 conference, hosted in PARIS, is to bring together pure/applied mathematicians and engineers, with common interest for Geometric tools and their applications for Information analysis. It emphasizes an active participation of young researchers to discuss emerging areas of collaborative research on “Geometric Science of Information and their Applications”. Current and ongoing uses of Information Geometry Manifolds in applied mathematics are the following: Advanced Signal/Image/Video Processing, Complex Data Modeling and Analysis, Information Ranking and Retrieval, Coding, Cognitive Systems, Optimal Control, Statistics on Manifolds, Topology/Machine/Deep Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Speech/sound recognition, natural language treatment, Big Data Analytics, Learning for Robotics, etc., which are substantially relevant for industry.