ELLIS PhD and Postdoc Summit 2022
11 July 2022 - 11 July 2022 Summer School Online via Zoom
The ELLIS PhD and Postdoc Committee is pleased to announce the second (virtual) ELLIS PhD and Postdoc Summit, which will take place on Monday, July 11. All ELLIS PhDs and postdocs and program alumni are warmly invited to join us for a full day of great talks on cutting-edge research in Machine Learning and interactive roundtable discussions with world-renowned researchers in the field! It is a unique opportunity for our young academics to interact with leading ELLIS researchers, discussing the current state of the art, open challenges as well as any other questions that are relevant to them.
We’re very excited to announce that Negar Kiyavash (EPFL), Yair Weiss (Hebrew University) and Shimon Whiteson (University of Oxford) will be delivering the ELLIS keynote lectures. A unique feature of this summit is that we reserve plenty of time (45 min) with the keynote speakers for roundtable discussions, which will be attended by panelists from the ELLIS community, allowing for plenty of interaction with the speakers and invited panelists. Confirmed panelists for the reinforcement learning panel after Whiteson's keynote are Gergely Neu (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Frans Oliehoek (TU Delft) and Amanda Prorok (University of Cambridge); Weiss will speak about disentanglement and unsupervised learning and will be joined for the panel by Aapo Hyvärinen (University of Helsinki) and Francesco Locatello (Amazon AWS). The closing keynote by Kiyavash will be part of the AIDA AI Excellence Lecture series, and is open to the public. During the "Ask Me Anything" sessions students can connect with a wide range of researchers from the ELLIS community.
Click here to download the schedule & book of abstracts
Reading Groups
To engage more deeply with the research of the keynote speakers and to foster networking among the ELLIS students and postdocs, we will organize two topic-oriented reading/discussion groups the week before the event, during which only the ELLIS students and postdocs meet to discuss one paper related to one of the lectures. During these reading groups, students will have the chance to dive into one of the research topics of the summit and connect with ELLIS PhDs and postdocs who share similar research interests.
The event will start on July 11 at 10:15 CEST with welcoming words by Nuria Oliver (ELLIS Board) and Andreas Geiger (Chair of the ELLIS PhD & Postdoc Committee). It will end in the late afternoon (18:00 CEST). To create a maximally interactive and welcoming atmosphere, we will not record the lectures, roundtable discussions or Ask Me Anything sessions; only the closing keynote by Negar Kiyavash that is co-organized with the International AI Doctoral Academy (AIDA) and open to the public will be recorded. Throughout the event we’ll be using the same Zoom link except for the closing lecture by Negar Kiyavash, which is hosted on the AIDA platform.
Meeting details
- 10:15-17:00 CEST: Zoom link (Meeting ID: 853 4280 3477 / Passcode: 557057)
- 17:00-18:00 CEST: Joint ELLIS/AIDA Lecture, taking place on the AIDA platform
Click here to download the schedule & book of abstracts