2nd Symposium "AI in Public Health Research"
14 May 2025 - 15 May 2025 Symposium Robert Koch Institute, Berlin
The symposium “AI in Public Health Research” offers a platform for exchange between AI science and research, public health practice, and policy with the aim of redefining the possibilities and limitations of the application of AI in public health research.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is fundamentally transforming public health research by enabling new approaches to analyzing complex health data and developing targeted strategies. From data-driven analysis of disease patterns to the creation of precise predictive models, AI provides public health research with new tools to better understand risks, address social and geographical disparities, and derive evidence-based recommendations for action.
The symposium “AI in Public Health Research” offers a platform for exchange between AI science & research, public health practice, and policy with the aim of redefining the possibilities and limitations of the application of AI in public health research.
You are invited to join the conversation and help shape the future of AI-driven public health research.
Organised by the ELLIS Unit Potsdam