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Accountability for AI

Florian Dorner (Ph.D. Student)

With the more and more widespread deployment of Al systems in the real world, they are likely going to have larger and larger impacts on society, including accidents, political destabilization and other negative externalities. To increase developers' accountability for negative societal impacts of their Al systems, my research focuses on a) a better theoretical understanding of these impacts, b) approaches to monitor and empirically demonstrate them, c) building tools developers can use to mitigate potential risks their Al systems might pose, and d) strategies for policymakers to align Al developers' incentives with society.

Primary Host: Moritz Hardt (Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems)
Exchange Host: ()
PhD Duration: 10 October 2022 - 10 October 2025
Exchange Duration: 01 April 2024 - 01 April 2025 - Ongoing